Our team of psychologists and consultants can also develop tailored and scalable solutions to meet your specific business needs.
Designed by registered psychologists and adult learning specialists, our programs are evidence-based, relevant and practical.
Virtual and face-to-face workshops, and online learning modules are available and can be customised for your audience.
Program participants report increased confidence and skills, and 94% say they would recommend our programs to others.
Manage key psychosocial risks for your business, enhance early help-seeking behaviours and intervention, and reap the benefits of a healthy, happy team.
Workplace Mental Health Essentials is our flagship program. This workshop explores the mental health continuum and encourages positive help-seeking behaviours.
This workshop empowers leaders with the skills to identify and support team members facing mental health challenges.
Psychological first aid is a practical, evidence-based approach to prevent and manage psychological injury and promote positive wellbeing.
The program provides an overview of a leader’s obligations to manage psychosocial risks in the workplace and builds confidence and capability to address these risks.
This masterclass introduces a framework to manage psychosocial risk and practical implementation steps.
This briefing introduces psychosocial risk management legislation and international standards and clarifies the obligations of employers and leaders.
In this session, learn about common unconscious biases and sharpen your ability to identify biased thinking in yourself and others.
In this session, build awareness of common unconscious biases and their impact on work performance and the employee experience.
This Master Class equips your HR, OD workplace relations, and safety leaders with in-depth knowledge of sexual harassment in the workplace, and the positive duty to address this under the Sex Discrimination Act.
This workshop enables people leaders to understand the consequences of sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour in the workplace.
This workshop equips participants with confidence, skills and practical resources to identify and safely address unacceptable behaviours.
In this workshop people leaders learn to support their team with proactive approaches to managing aggressive behaviour in the workplace.
This workshop equips frontline employees to understand boundaries in their role and provide appropriate support and referral pathways for distressed clients and stakeholders.
This workshop covers the practical elements of resilience, how it links to individual and organisational wellbeing and productivity, and individual action planning.
In this workshop, we focus on practical tools that leaders can use with their teams to promote wellbeing, synergy and cohesion.
This workshop provides participants with an understanding of the psychology of workplace change and how to work effectively through uncertainty.
This workshop equips people leaders with an understanding of the psychology of workplace change and how to proactively support team members through uncertainty and ambiguity.
This workshop provides participants with an understanding of vicarious trauma and introduces practical, preventative strategies to mitigate this risk.
This program helps leaders understand and manage the risk of vicarious trauma within their teams.
The vicarious trauma extension workshop has been designed for participants in roles at heightened risk of vicarious trauma.
The viewing objectionable material workshop develop psychological preparedness for dealing with potentially traumatising exposure to objectionable material in the workplace.