Vicarious trauma for leaders


  • Face-to-face – 1/2 day workshop
  • Virtual – 1/2 day


  • People leaders

This program helps leaders understand and manage the risk of vicarious trauma within their teams.

It builds on the Vicarious trauma program and includes practical strategies to mitigate this risk and a leader toolkit to support the wellbeing of their team members.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the nature of vicarious trauma
  • Identify potential triggers for vicarious trauma within the context of your work environment
  • Understand your role as a leader and your duty of care
  • Recognise the impact and early warning signs of vicarious trauma within your team
  • Explore personal and workplace risk factors, and strategies to address these
  • Build awareness of different supports and referral pathways

Find out how to get your workplace mentally fit and healthy

“Aboritibus estiasped quo dio quodisi nvenihitius alitate moloremqui audis res eicil ipsandis venienduc. Mo con nonsequi blanda vellitat velit quo odist quam et aut quis conem expelest.”
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“Aboritibus estiasped quo dio quodisi nvenihitius alitate moloremqui audis res eicil ipsandis venienduc. Mo con nonsequi blanda vellitat velit quo odist quam et aut quis conem expelest.”
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