Job seeking services

Looking for work can be challenging. Having the right support is vital to ensuring success. We work with each person to assess and understand their skills and goals to secure a successful job placement that’s right for them.

Job seeking services provide:

  • Vocational counselling
  • Resume development and cover letter writing
  • Overcoming challenges of job seeking
  • Learning Job application techniques
  • Preparing for interviews
  • Coaching to access the hidden job market
  • Coaching on disclosing injuries

Why choose Communicorp

Experience and expertise

With diverse qualifications, experience and capability, working in organisational performance and leadership development.

Collaborative partnerships

We work with you to ensure programs are fully customised to meet your needs and objectives.

Outcome and results focused

Using innovative design delivery to ensure accurate evaluation of program success to achieve better learning outcomes and behavioural change

Reach and scale

Our services are available nationwide, for corporate, government and NGOs.

“Aboritibus estiasped quo dio quodisi nvenihitius alitate moloremqui audis res eicil ipsandis venienduc. Mo con nonsequi blanda vellitat velit quo odist quam et aut quis conem expelest.”
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Company name
“Aboritibus estiasped quo dio quodisi nvenihitius alitate moloremqui audis res eicil ipsandis venienduc. Mo con nonsequi blanda vellitat velit quo odist quam et aut quis conem expelest.”
Name Surname
Company Name

Give your organisation a competitive edge

Talk to us about how Communicorp can help your workplace be psychologically healthy.